Worriedly Thankful (Grateful but worried)

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It is thanksgiving season and on blogs, shows, conversations etc., the suggestion is always ‘Give thanks” or “Count your blessings”. From every corner it seems as if you are besieged with someone who keeps asking “What are you thankful for?”. In this season, the general assumption is that everyone is in a thankful mood. If you are not, it is almost as if you are bullied into being thankful (at least, I feel that way). What do you do when you are grateful but worried? What do you do when you are worriedly thankful?

Worriedly Thankful

Let me stress this point: it is important to be thankful.  In all things, it is important that we give thanks to God (1st Thessalonians 5:18). However, let’s be honest. We are humans. Sometimes, it isn’t that we don’t want to give thanks, it is just that we can’t. We are worriedly thankful. In other words, we are thankful to God, but all that comes to mind at the moment are our worries. This is because our raw emotions about our problems are so close to the surface. How long we’ve waited on an issue or the weight of our problems just settles on us like a blanket and it is so close to the surface and it is all we can think about. It is almost like everything you can see and hear reminds you of your worries.

For those who can’t be thankful…

Psalm 37:7a (NIV) is my message for all of us. It says: 

“Be still before the lord, and wait patiently for him”.

We are all waiting on God for something, whether it is something intangible like comfort, motivation, patience, etc. or tangible things like money, a house, etc.. Sometimes, it feels like God is not answering, and sometimes, we just want relief to come quickly. Regardless of what it is you are waiting on, be patient and wait on God.

When being thankful does not flow easily, wait on God. If being thankful feels like a burden, wait on God. When you even feel like there is nothing to be thankful for, wait on God.

I emphasize ‘feel’ because how we feel about a situation does not always reflect the reality of it. Sometimes, we feel like God is doing nothing on our behalf, but we know that is not true because he is always working and moving in our lives; with his sole purpose being to bring us good and an expected end. 

God never disappoints

God never disappoints and he has promised that our expectations will never be cut off (Prov 23:18) and the desires of the righteous shall always be granted (Prov 10:24). So, when everyone is bubbling around, being thankful, and all your mind can bring up are the things that are not yet resolved, remember not to give up and wait on God.

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