When the going gets tough…..

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While growing up in his father’s house, a child is just like the servants. He might end up owning everything someday, but while he is growing up, he does not have more knowledge or skills than the servants – he/she is still waiting till his father says it is time to assume control of all that the father owns. This is what I read in my passage for bible study today (Galatians 4: 1-5). 

When things get tough and we wonder, perhaps it is God’s way of saying wait. I have to admit that it sounds easier than it actually is. There are certain situations you find yourself in, and you just want to throw in the towel and give up. I know there are things I have wanted to accomplish that just didn’t work out, and I have been tempted to conclude that is not meant for me. Looking back, I realize that if I had persevered in certain situations, I would have had a positive outcome. Even if the outcome was negative, I’d feel much better with the knowledge that I have given it all my all.

A few months ago, I made the choice to learn to wait; I made the choice to enjoy the me of today, struggles and all, and not negotiate with or give up on myself, my values, goals and dreams. Psalm 104: 21 – 28 explains that creatures as powerful as the lion and as fearful as the monsters in the sea all wait on God for their meal, which he ALWAYS gives, in due season.

I am learning to have faith and to wait. When the going gets tough, this tough chick knows how to get going, but I need God’s grace to keep going longer. We all do. If the beasts of the land and sea, who have significantly lower IQ levels than me (I dare you to show me a shark than can solve an algebraic equation) can wait, I definitely can. After all, the Holy one of Israel has called me by name and named me his (Isaiah 43:1). We all can. We all should – learn to wait.

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