The Samson Series: Going Astray within God’s Will

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We continue the story of Samson in Judges 14. This next recorded chapter of Samson’s life is loaded with information. God plans for him to pick a fight with the Philistines. The way this manifests itself is Samson’s desire to marry a Philistine woman, which was a ‘No No’ at that time. There is Samson’s seeming out of place encounter with a young lion, which eventually forms the basis of a riddle. This riddle eventually leads to a fight. In this wonderfully rich chapter, my attention was drawn to Samson’s interaction with his bride to be.

Samson and his Woman

The tale of Samson and Delilah is the stuff of legends. The young warrior who was deceived by the woman he loved. I have always wondered about Samson’s inability to see through Delilah’s deceit. Reading his story with this woman, in Chapter 14, brought me some insight. With Delilah, Samson eventually gave in to her prodding and nagging. With this lady, the exact same thing happened. She nagged at him to give her the answer, and he eventually caved in. This suggests a pattern because we see this replicated with Delilah.

It may have been God’s will for Samson to fight the Philistines, but God is one of order and consistency. God has a plan for each and every one of us. However, within his plan, I doubt that he would want us to get there the wrong way. It is like saying that God wishes us to get married. However, he will allow us to do so by going after a married man. It does not make sense. There is a wrong way to do the right thing.

There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death. (Prov 14:12) Click To Tweet


Going astray within God’s plan

As we live day by day, we always pray to do so within God’s will for us. We must always remember that God’s will does not allow for wrongdoing. I have heard people, who have done something wrong, or had something bad happen to them, say “It must be Gods’s will”. I strongly disagree. We cannot do things using our flesh and our own knowledge and decide that it is God’s will. There is a reason the bible tells us in Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death. (NKJV)

We have to be willing to not only follow God’s will but to do it correctly. Our guide is always God’s words – the bible. A good thing to do is to find out what God has to say, about how we should live, and what his desire for us is. A good place to start is my mini ebook that explores God’s desire for us and what he says about us. You can get it HERE.

Living right, within God’s plan is not easy, but it is well worth it.


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