Divine Priority Lane: Stress free wait

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I was flying out of BWI today, via Delta. I noticed something that made me think of divine priority. While waiting at my gate, about an hour before my flight, I saw passengers who were already lining up, in anticipation of boarding the plane. Others who were seated began to pack and join the line. They were afraid that if it was a full flight, there would be no space for their carry on luggage and they would be forced to check it.

As they started to queue, I sat in my seat, crocheting away, without a worry. This was because I knew I had booked a priority ticket.  The flight is boarded in stages and those with a priority ticket board before others. Even if I queued with others, I would still be called ahead of most people. So, I sat without a worry.


Divine Priority

Our relationship with God should mirror that.

Let me make it personal. My relationship with God should be that way. Regardless of how anxious others are, I need to relax. Even when it seems as if those my age have gone farther than I have, relax. Friends all married with kids and you are not, relax. Don’t have the high level job you thought you’d haven’t now? Relax. Your peers have gone to have children and you’re still waiting, relax.

Regardless of who is anxious around you or the seeming delay, do not worry. It is just a matter of time. Regardless of who mocks and laughs at you, do not worry.

Who is he?

We occupy a place of divine priority with God. I mean, he created the earth and all needed to sustain us before creating man. While we yet sinners, he delivered is. He sent a piece of himself, his only son so that we will not perish. What he says he will do, is exactly what he does. He is the turnaround specialist that can change situations in a second. He is the miracle-working God who wants the best for us.

So, why worry. Sit back and relax (feel free to crochet away), and wait for God’s time.  When the going gets tough, hang in there. You have a priority relationship with God and you are a divine priority.

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7 Replies to “Divine Priority Lane: Stress free wait”

  1. I like the thought of having a divine priority lane… we often forget that God is sovereign and we are in the very best of hands! Thanks for sharing and happy crocheting 🙂 Stopping by from #RaRalinkup

  2. Beautifully illustrated point – thank you! Yes. If our relationship with God is a priority, we have no reason to be anxious. Your story is going to stay with me – there’s a lot in our life where I could be anxious… but I don’t need to be. Thank you for the admonition.

  3. I love this “We occupy a place of divine priority with God ”
    That truth should bring such peace and reassurance to our hearts. Thanks for a great encouraging post about where we are (or at least should be) as children of God.

    1. God is faithful and will give us the strength to do so.

  4. Just a curiously question.. if you didn’t have a priority ticket would you have lined up with others? Would you have felt pressured to line up as well? Or would you have the same patience and obedience to sit and wait? That’s when God’s blessing pour out on us. When we wait, not because we have a “priority” ticket and know that we will get a spot for our check in – but his blessings pour out on us when we wait – not knowing what the future holds.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. You make a great point. If I didn’t have the priority ticket, I would have rushed up with others. I have done it before. The difference between this trip and the others was what inspired me. It is easy to be swept up in worry and concern, but remembering that God does not forget and I am very important to him, should help me not worry anymore. Of course, you are right, there is something wonderful about waiting for God, not knowing what the future holds.That is what Faith is 🙂

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