It is Well With You

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For most of my growing years, I dreaded the sound of a certain hymn. I first heard it at my grandfather’s funeral and over the years, it was played at every funeral, wake keep and sad event I attended. I came to associate the hymn with sad and heartbreaking events. The hymn is ‘It is well with my soul’, penned by Horatio Spafford. However, over the years, inspired by that hymn, I have learned to look at my problems and declare “It is well”.

Mr Spafford and the Inspiration of the Hymn

Sometime in the past two years, a guest pastor at church talked about the event in Mr. Spafford’s life that inspired the hymn. For the benefit of those of us who do not know, here is Mr. Spafford’s story. Because of the great Chicago fire of 1871, he was financially ruined and his four year old son died. In the economic downturn of 1873, what little business he had diminished and he decided to travel to Europe with his wife and four surviving daughters. For some unknown reason, he decided to send his family ahead of him. During the voyage the ship was wrecked in a collision and his four daughters perished – only his wife survived. On the way to meet his wife in Europe, he passed by the spot where his daughters drowned and his thoughts as he passed that area became the lyrics for the hymn

Fortified Faith

Mr. Spafford’s story made me go back and take another look at the lyrics of the hymn, and ever since, it has meant something different to me. I no longer shudder in dread at the sound of the hymn, but I am now inspired to sing it. Every time I sing the hymn, I remember the faith and strength of Mr. Spafford. Just like any human, in the midst of all the tragedy that fell upon him in a 2 year period, he could have questioned God or given up his faith. Instead, he simply committed himself to Gd even more and decreed wellness on his soul. I still marvel.

I have gone through tough period in my life, but I cannot think of a single event that equals the pain Mr. Spafford must have felt at losing five children and all his worldly wealth in the space of two years. Yet, he praised God instead of despairing. 

Trust in God, no matter what

His attitude brings to remembrance this passage: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15, KJV). It also reminds me of the story of the woman of Shunem, who did not lose faith in God when her only child died (2 Kings 4:8-37), Even when her son was dead, to everyone who questioned her, she said, “It is well.” (2 Kings 4:22-26).

It is well with you

Note that the phrase is in the present tense – “It is well”. Even in the midst of the storm you are battling, it is well with you. Even as I learn to look at the challenges I face and say it is well, I want to encourage you to do the same. I want to decree it in your life – It is well with you. No matter what you are passing through, I don’t care how tough it is, hear this – It is well with you. 

Never lose assurance in the God of awesome wonders. If he can hang the skies and separate it from the ground without pillars, he can do anything. Do not despair and hang on. Do not give up or allow your faith to be shaken. It is well with you, it is well with me, it is well with us. 

I am rooting for you, I am praying for you, and I am believing God that all is well with you. May it be so now and always, Amen.

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