Introspective Retrospective Review of 2019: My relationship with God

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For a lot of people, the holiday season is for traveling and for gifts. For me, it is a time of deep reflection.  It is a time to look over the past year and assess my relationship with God. I am aware that my relationship with God will never be perfect, because I am not perfect, but it is important to me that there be improvements, from day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year.

I want to know what I can do better, tomorrow, next week, next month and next year to deepen and better my relationship with Him. Click To Tweet

Introspective Retrospective view of 2019

  • Did my prayer life improve?
  • How about my reliance on God, for every little thing, on every single day?
  • Did my relationships with people reflect God?
  • How about my goals for the year? Did I rely on God to fulfill them and did I pray about it?
  • How much more did I learn about God?
  • Did I read my bible diligently?
  • If not, did I do better this year than I did last year?, etc

Prospective view of 2020

It is not enough to look at the past year. After an inward look and assessment of the year that is almost ending, the next thing is to plan for the upcoming year and make a plan filled with action statements. For example:

  • I will read one more chapter of the bible a week
  • I will pray for an extra 5 minutes every morning
  • I will have an hour midnight prayer every month
  • I will invite the Holy Spirit into my words, so that I am more cautious when I speak to people, etc

Great is God’s faithfulness, that he kept me throughout the year. Great is my faith in Him that he will keep me till next year, but I want to know what I can do better, tomorrow, next week, next month and next year to deepen and better my relationship with Him.

So, as you enjoy the season, be certainto be more deliberate in your relationship with God by looking at how it has grown (or not grown) this year and what you can do to make it better. Of course, when it comes to the things of God, planning is not enough. Be sure to commit your plan into God’s hands. 

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