If It Were NOT for God…

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We usually do not take a lot of time to reflect on this: “If it were not for God…”. In the midst of our problems and troubles, we ALWAYS forget to look back to where we were and where we are. I am just as guilty of doing that. In the midst of a storm on a tough day, the focus tends to be on what we haven’t seen God do, as opposed to a reflective look back.

Psalm 124

This is a psalm where David looked back and reflected on where he and his people would be, if God had left them to fend for themselves. I was forced to look back, when I recently read this psalm:

  1. If the Lord had not been on our side—

    let Israel say—

2. if the Lord had not been on our side

 when people attacked us,

3. they would have swallowed us alive

  when their anger flared against us;

4. the flood would have engulfed us,

 the torrent would have swept over us,

5. the raging waters

would have swept us away.


Verses 2 and 3 hit home for me in a poignant way, because it is true for me. If it weren’t for God, if God was NOT on my side, I don’t think I would be alive today. Those who sought to take my life, would have succeeded.

If the Lord had not been on MY side

Everyone should have a ‘If it were not for God’ list. Here is mine.

If it were not for God:

  • I would be dead
  • I would not have graduated from school
  • I would not still have a business
  • I would have lost my family
  • I would still not know my purpose
  • I would be unable to sleep
  • I would be in a hospital hooked up to all kinds of things
  • I would never have returned to a relationship with my heavenly father
  • I would have entered a marriage that would be the end of me and my calling
  • I would be sorrowing over my joy and glory


If it were not for God, I would not have passed all these hurdles and many more. My challenge to you? What is your “If it were not for God” list? If it were not for God, where would you be?”

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