If God says NO, will I still love him?

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I have always wondered about God’s answers to our prayers. If God says no, will I still love him? just started reading a book about worship and came across a magnificent quote in Habakkuk 3: 17 – 18 (NIV):


” (17)Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls;

(18) Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. “

This is a view that shows us exactly what our attitude towards our relationship with God should be. The times when we worship the most and try to draw close to God is when we need something, are in some trouble and we want something from God. It is not a common practice to worship and praise God, just because.

What if God’s answer to your request is No?

Let’s be completely honest. If you brought out your prayer points list or list of requests and God says that he is not going to answer any of them, we will still be able to take the attitude that Habakkuk has? Essentially, can you say to God:

No matter what happens, whether you answer my prayer or not whether you bless me or not, because I have the privilege to know you, I will worship and praise you.

Can we truly take that stance in our relationship with God? If God says no, will you still love him? Can we love God no matter what?

For me, I am a work in progress. I strive to get to where Habakkuk was – to worship the Almighty God with abandon and not for anything, but just because. It is my sincerest desire and wish to be there; to be able to lift my hands to God and worship from my soul and spirit, with all that I have, not because I am expecting blessings from God, but because he is simply an awesome and great being. It is truly the topmost thing on my prayer list – to Love God, no matter what!

Remain Blessed!

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