Hopeful Skeptic

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Over the past couple of weeks, I have been contemplating on what I want to say on the protests and current events around us. I know how I feel and I know where I stand, but I wanted to make sure that my public statements will leave no room for interpretation.

Anxious & Scared

It should come as no surprise that I am in support of systemic changes that affect the unfair treatment of black people anywhere, especially here in the U.S. As the sister of a young black man, I am often filled with anxiety when we drive past a police car or I think of my brother being stopped by the cops, because I cannot tell if the encounter will be a positive or negative one. Thank God for the privilege of knowing Him, because without God, I would not have peace and will suffer from crippling panic attacks from thinking of my brother being stopped by the cops.

I have been pulled over by the police a handful of times and thank God they have been pleasant encounters (and may they continue to be so, in Jesus name), but until I drive away, my heart is in my mouth, blood is rushing in my ears and I find myself singing worship songs in my head and inviting God into the situation.

This is no way to live. I should not be too scared to ask my brother to run an errand because I am scared of the possibility he might meet cops on his way and I should not be too scared to call the cops to my home for fear that I will be further victimized or that I will get hurt.

Hopeful Skeptic

Truth be told, as intense as the recent protests are, I am skeptical on whether it will translate to actual change. For starters, will all these protesters educate themselves on the candidates in their area and come out in these numbers to vote from local to national elections? If not, the march is alright, but we will find ourselves in the exact same spot next year.

Will the black community finally decide to unite in this cause? I don’t know. I have spent most of my Saturday looking and listening to comments from black celebrities and non celebrities so obsessed with whether black pastors and Oprah and Gayle are leading marches, how Obama was apparently a useless black man because he did not heal the racial divide, and who and which black celebrities are not saying things as loud as they want them to. In a moment when black people should be unified, there are segments dedicated to tearing down people in the black community instead of channeling that energy to finding ways to create change.

What I am Doing – Action Steps

Despite my intense skepticism on the possibility of change, I guess all hope is not lost, because I am not being still.

Spreading the message: I cannot be out there protesting with others, so I am working hard to spread the message of the need for change online, and in spaces where that message is not loud, e.g, christian blog groups. I am sorry, you cannot say you serve Christ and somehow ignore the plight of the undermined, under-served and the oppressed. If you do, I have got serious questions about the Bible you are reading.

Conversing: I am also taking time out to engage people in conversations. Sometimes, they are uncomfortable, but I still talk/chat with people. Some people have a different viewpoint and I have learned to strongly defend and support my stance. If whoever I am having the conversation with is white, I make sure not to attack.

Let’s be honest. Sometimes when we say we are having conversations, they are truly confrontational attacks. I do not want to confront or attack a white person, neither do I need them to apologize for being white. God created them that way and they are beautiful, just like me. So, I want to converse and exchange viewpoints.

What I will NOT do is engage anyone who is simply looking to antagonize someone. Not everybody is willing to learn, they are just trying to rile you over. People, 2nd Timothy 2:23 (AMP)!. I do not engage in trifleness and stupidity.

Relying on God: Most importantly, I am praying and worshiping. Nothing centers me like a good praise and worship session, and prayer is the most therapeutic activity I engage in. So, I pray, for me and my family, for my community, for my people, for the nations, for the world, for a change, and for renewed hope. The fact that I have not lost ALL hope is probably proof that God has answered that prayer point.

Rely on God

Wherever you are, whatever your creed or color, please do not give up hope. Stand for right and shun wrong. Even if you have been wrong in the past, it is never too late to right yourself. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Regardless of your party, please vote in November. And most importantly, rely on God. Without him, I would be a crippled anxious person, but I am solidly present and here, because of God.
Don’t run from God, run to Him.

I love y’all with the love of the lord and wish you nothing but the best!

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