Go Deeper, Further away from your Comfort Zone

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I was reading Luke 5:1-7 yesterday and was so struck with the first few verses. There was something in Christ’s interaction to Simon that made me think of my comfort zone and how God always shakes me out of it.

This is the time Jesus uses Simon’s boat to preach and asks him to go further out in the water and throw his nets. God had just used something that belonged to Simon and his way of rewarding him was to tell him “Go further out”.

It is much like today. God uses all of us in so many ways, and we often expect a reward. Sometimes, God’s response is for us to do more. In those moments, if you pay attention, he doesn’t always ask for more, he always asks for something that is outside our comfort zone. However, we always get stuck in verse 5a. I am no exception.

Holding Back

Like Simon, our initial reaction is often instant.

“I can’t”.

“Maybe I didn’t hear right.”

“I am not qualified”.

“I am not worthy.”

“I’ve tried before and failed”.

I don’t know about you, but that has definitely been my reaction over the years. The stream of excuses are always a mile long. Even when doors opened, that were in line with God’s instructions, I sat back and watched them close again. This is because I was uncomfortable, scared and anxious. I would watch the doors close and then berate myself for doing so. However, my fear and anxiety were stronger than my desire to obey.

Going Deeper – outside my comfort zone

Today, I am more mature, and by God’s grace, wiser than I was a few years ago. I’ve realized that it is ok to be unsure, however, it is not ok to remain there.

For all these years, I’ve been stuck on verse 5a and not gone on to verse 5b

“… But if you say so, I will…”.

I might be scared and uncomfortable, but if the master planner of the world says so, I will. If he who knew today when he said “Let there be light” says so, I will.

God, who knows it all, and loves me so much, will NEVER lead me astray. So even when I’m tempted to stay put, I should trust him, step out of my comfort zone, and go forth.

God never shakes you from where you are, without a purpose and a miracle. Click To Tweet

Results of going Deeper

Despite his doubt, Simon obeyed and the result was a net breaking miracle, that we still talk about today. God never shakes you from where you are, without a purpose and a miracle. Every single time he has sent someone out of their comfort zone, the reward has been indescribably wonderful.

For example, Abraham left his father’s house and became the father of Nations, Joseph went to prison and became a mighty influencer, Moses left the palace and became a mighty leader, Job was doubly blessed, Jonah saved a nation, Simon became the rock of the church, Paul became a mighty tool in the mighty hands of God and Jesus, himself, became a savior whose name is greater than any other name.

Without a doubt, God will send you somewhere or instruct you to do something that is outside of your comfort zone. When he does, feel free to wobble a bit, but do NOT stay stuck there. Make sure you end up at the stage where you say: “But if you say so, I will.”


If you haven’t, do not forget to get your free copy of my mini ebook, “What God says about me”

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6 Replies to “Go Deeper, Further away from your Comfort Zone”

  1. Great post, Chiboza! ‘If you say so, I will’ – that’s all we can do but God’s grace will help us to do all things for God’s glory. Thanks so much for sharing. Abundant blessings to you!

  2. Hi Chizoba! Thank you for the encouraging post and the beautiful reminder that God never shakes us from the place we are on,without a purpose and a miracle. I am first time visiter to your Blog. My best wishes and prayer for your writing journey. Many blessings to you dear Sister!

  3. This so true, fear can truly have us in a stuck place but nothing extraordinary happens in our comfort zone!!

  4. Amen! Oh, to trust God enough to step out when we aren’t sure!
    Great word of encouragement today!
    I came over on Moments of Hope.
    I’m linking for my friend Sue Donaldson today.
    Melanie Redd

  5. If we want to achieve anything good, we have to bear the challenges along the way. God tells us if we can’t work then we shouldn’t eat. But in a real sense, I believe the majority would just love to sit and earn! In essence, He indirectly tells us there is no time-wasting in God’s kingdom. I have to cast my net deeper.

  6. What a great addition to Literacy Musing Mondays this past week! I find it hard to go outside my comfort zone but am trying…

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