Crooked Places…

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What is a crooked place?

A road or path that is crooked tends to be curvy. It is not straightforward. It is often difficult to see what is around the next corner. You could hit someone or there might be an obstacle you are not aware of until it is too late. There is no certainty about what you will encounter in the next corner. In other words, a crooked place is a place of uncertainty and anxiety. In a crooked place, because of the anxiety, we can end up taking a shortcut that is not God-ordained which may lead to delays and other problems.


HE will go before us

Isaiah 45:2 tells us that God has promised that He will go before us and make the crooked places straight. What does that mean? A straight road is the direct opposite of a crooked or curvy road. You can see what is in front of you, so you are certain of what is coming or not coming. If there seems to be an obstacle in your path, you can begin to prepare for it or even avoid it. You can determine whether there is a need for a shortcut, and when to speed up and slow down…. Everything becomes clearer and there is a reduction in being anxious.

In this 2023, God will go before us and make every anxiety-causing, uncertain crooked path/place straight for us. He will level mountains and obstacles before us so that we will have a straight road to pass through. When you encounter anything that causes you anxiety, or in situations where you are unsure of things, and life’s storms continue to blow, remember that HE who says a thing and it surely comes to pass has praised us a much easier 2023. It does not mean life will not happen, but it means we will have a better and easier time navigating through problems because our road will be straight.

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