Christian Book Review: How to Age Without Getting Old by Joyce Meyer

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This is a review of How to Age Without Getting Old by Joyce Meyer. Joyce Meyer’s books have always been a wonderful read. They are often informative and eye opening. This particular book deals with a topic that everyone can relate to  – aging gracefully.  Everyone thinks about it, some people do plastic surgery and others find natural remedies to aid in aging while not looking old. Well, it turns out the Bible contains biblical secrets to aging well. 

Slowing Down the Aging Process

This book uses the Bible as a foundation to explore tips and hints on how to age gracefully. It covers topics like ‘slowing down the aging process’, ‘staying strong spiritually’, and ‘listening to your body’. One of my favorite chapters in the book deals with slowing down the aging process. There are five suggestions given on how to slow down the aging process. They are:

  • Get enough sleep (7 – 8 hours)
  • Drink enough water in the day (8 8oz glasses minimum)
  • Get some exercise (Notable quote is “Our bodies crave what we give them. Give yours what will make it strong and healthy, and that is what it will want”).
  • Take good care of your skin and teeth (Ladies, do not sleep with makeup on)
  • Eat a healthy diet, Laugh and have fun. 

All of these suggestions are, of course, fleshed out in full details, and guiding Bible verses. For example, the root of laughing and having fun is Proverbs 17:22 (“A merry heart is like medicine”) and Nehemiah 8: 10 (“The joy of the Lord is your strength”).

Recommend or Not

I enjoyed reading How to Age Without Getting Old by Joyce Meyer and I recommend it. Despite the title, it is a book that has relevant information for all ages, even people in their early 20’s. It is an easy read that has practical and bible based suggestions and guides on how to live our best lives and age gracefully, without getting old. It is written in a conversational manner, so that it feels like something an older aunt or female relative would tell you.  You can grab a copy here. If you do read the book, let me know what your impressions are.

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