Christian Book Review: Disruptive Thinking by TD Jakes

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This book review explores Disruptive Thinking by Bishop T.D Jakes. The term ‘disruptive thinking’ is one I had heard at a conference a couple of weeks before I heard about this book. Disruptive thinking is essentially thinking or a thought process that is outside the norm or defies conventional ways of thinking. There are a lot of things that disrupt our lives or events that happen that require us to pivot the way we think, think outside the box, or do something different. Let’s dive in a bit.

Disruptive Events

The book starts by exploring the Bishop’s early life and how things got disrupted by the time he was 11. He had to essentially bear the responsibility of helping to run his father’s business at that tender age. This part of the book was detailed, and it was interesting to learn about his childhood in such detail. It served to show how he had to adapt to an event that was out of the norm for him. I think it is safe to say that everyone has experienced some disruption. 

We all have a shared and common disruptive event- COVID. This disease pretty much disrupted the norm of many things around the world. Individuals and organizations had to learn to adapt and do things differently to be functional. Even now, many things have not fully returned to how they were pre Covid. However, we have all had to change how we think and act to adapt. Despite the necessity of change, it was difficult for many people and organizations to change.

As scary as the change was, we all did it. We learned to develop and define a new normal, and the world continued. There will be nostalgia about what once was, but with time even this new normal will need to be updated to make room for future changes.


Recommend or Not

In a discussion about disruptive thinking, it is important to explore what it is, why it is essential, what makes it difficult, and tips to help you be a disrupter. I think the book does a comprehensive job of covering these topics, as well as covering how to navigate a partnership, relationship, or marriage with a disrupter. Many chapters start with a story to help explain and drive home the point. The stories gave great insight into the author, were interesting, and often helpful. However, sometimes I just wanted to go straight to the point, which made me impatiently read certain sections. However, that is just a personal preference. It was informative and inspired me to re-examine the ways I have planned to navigate my plans.

This is a definite Recommend.  Please read it, share it with friends, and do not forget to come back and share your thoughts with me. 

See other Book Reviews here, and feel free to recommend any other books for me to read and review.

Video Review: Disruptive Thinking in Relationships

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