Challenges of a Christian Single Woman – 4 Must Reads for Single Women

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I have encountered a few challenges, that Christian single women will relate to. I am always on the lookout for programs, studies, books, devotionals, and teachings, that will aid me in my wait. Over time, as I have read books and listened to people, a lot of the information I have come across are not tied to God’s words. One thing I have learned from my Pastor is to discard any information I come across that cannot be linked back to the bible.

Weird/Disturbing Information I have come across

  • Dress to attract who you want: I have always questioned this particular nugget of information. Upon further query, I am told that men are visual and to wear whatever will make a man look at me. My conclusion on the issue: If a man cannot appreciate me when I dress modestly, he is NOT who I am waiting for.
If a man can't appreciate me for dressing modestly, he is NOT who I am waiting for. #challengesofasinglewoman Click To Tweet
  • Be Outgoing: While there is nothing wrong with being healthily social, this advice does not take into account several things. I have come to realize that being social often means parties and clubs. Not everyone loves to be out and about. People have different personalities. I detest the idea of forcing myself to go to places that I am not comfortable with. It doesn’t make sense to go anywhere for the sole purpose of meeting a man.
  • Go where you will be seen: It is closely related to above point. The person who told me this asked me to not be “…too holy holy and got to a club if I have to”. I do not club, so it is unlikely that anybody I meet at a club will be who I am waiting for. Right?
  • Have a life outside the church: This has been the most offensive to me. Telling me to have a life outside the church is asking me to have a life outside of God. Christ in me is not a Sunday to Sunday situation. He is with me 24/7 and I am his 24/7. Even if I am not in a physical building, wherever I go, the church goes with me. In other words, my fellowship with God is continuous. I cannot have a life outside of it. The response that sprung to mind on the first occasion I heard this, required me to ask God for forgiveness. It did not help that the person who told me this, was a minister at church.

4 Must Reads for Single Women

As you can see, misinformation abounds, both within and outside the church. The same thing has happened with books. I have read all kinds of information and advice, most of which is not healthy. I have come across ‘Christian’ books that encourage sex before marriage. It can be discouraging.

I have come across several books that I have read and have blessed me. I thought I’d share.

I am going to be sharing my thoughts and personal reviews of the books in my ‘Books that blessed Me’ email series, so stay connected to receive them.

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2 Replies to “Challenges of a Christian Single Woman – 4 Must Reads for Single Women”

  1. I am a married woman but one thing I always tell everyone whether married or single is “never lose yourself.” If your conscience is inclined to God’s rules, stick to it because you very well know that’s what’s right.
    I am way over fifteen years into my marriage and to date, I don’t blame anyone for the mistakes I have made in life. Why? My life is never about someone else; it’s about me. And imagine, advice such as what you have put down here does not only affect singles, even married women fall prey to this and end up messing up their marriages.
    I love your personality, stick with it, and you will go far.

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