Book Review: Love and Cherished – 100 Devotions for Girls

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I recently had the pleasure of reading an amazing devotional titled: Love and Cherished: 100 Devotions for Girls. It is written by Michelle Nietert and Lynn Cowell, two amazing women of God, and you can find out more about the authors here. Below I am going to review and give my thoughts on the Love and Cherished devotion.

Book Review: Love and Cherished – 100 Devotions for Girls

            This devotion teaches young girls, through the word of God, that they are loved. After going through it, the goal of the devotion is to teach young girls to get their sense of self-esteem and self-worth, not from the world, but from the word of God. This is what made this devotion such a great read and so meaningful. If you are a regular reader of my posts, you know that I have written about remembering that you are God’s masterpiece. Today, a lot of grown women struggle with a sense of self and take cues and suggestions from every source except God. I believe that it is mostly because a lot of women are not taught or given a good foundation, as young girls, to properly build their self-worth. This devotion is an awesome start in teaching and laying a good self-worth foundation for young girls.

For Mothers and Daughters

            Even though it is written for young girls, the love and cherished devotion devotion is also an awesome read for women too. I definitely learned a lot from it, especially the ‘Cherished’ sections or the brief ‘To do’ sections after each devotion. Those sections ensure that the reader actively put into practice what has just been read in the devotion. After each ‘cherished’ section is also a relevant prayer point or prompt. This will be an awesome devotion for mothers and daughters to study together, as I believe that can serve as an important conversation starter.


            This devotion will make a great Christmas gift for any young girl, but the conversations and lessons are too important. I have a video up on my YouTube page about this review and it contains instructions on signing up for a giveaway for a free copy of this devotion. So, sign up for the giveaway and/or grab a copy today (hard copy or kindle copy) on Amazon. Do not forget to come back here and leave a comment to let me know your impressions of the devotion.

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