Actionless Faith: Faith without works

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We know to believe in God, to trust him and to not doubt. But when the storms of life blow, it is not always easy to do. As we further our relationship with God, we have to work on our faith. We pray all the time, for God to help our faith grow and we need faith. If we believe in God, we cannot do without it. After all,

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6, KJV).

However, I notice and observe, not just in my own life but all around me, we are forgetting something when it comes to faith:

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26, KJV)

Actionless Faith

Essentially, actionless faith is not faith. We have to apply action to faith or work to faith. We believe that God wants us to be prosperous. However, that does not mean that we should sit at home without looking for a job. 

We receive prophecies, God’s words through his prophets, about what his will for us is, but instead of praying to God about guidance on how we get to a place where his will is manifested in our lives and acting, we sit at home and hope that the roof will open and the manifestation of God’s promises will begin to flood in.

Children of God, wake up!!

How can someone trusting God for a job, not be looking for work? Does it make sense that someone trusting God for money, decides not to work at all? How can someone trusting God for health, not even take basic steps to keep themselves healthy? Can anyone trusting God for anything, decide not to pray at all? Actionless faith does not bring results.

I am reminded of the woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43 – 48). There are so many lessons to be learned from her, but I am always inspired by the fact, that she not only believed, but she defied norms and ACTED. What if she had just sat home and believed that being near Jesus would heal her, but she never actually tried to go touch him? What if she had said to herself “Jesus is the source of my healing”, but instead of going to Christ, she assumed that Jesus would come to her living room and she can touch him there?

Can God bring our miracles to us?  Yes. But we need to act and move and do something.

As we trust in God and wait on him for the manifestation of blessings and breakthroughs, ESPECIALLY after we have received or heard a word of prophecy, we should be engaged in prayers to God for directions. We should also pray for an obedient spirit and listening ears. Just lounging around and hoping that it all comes to pass is not going to do anything for us.

You do not want to move without faith and talking to God, but it is not enough to say you have faith and then do nothing.

Do not forget:

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26, KJV)

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