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Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness (Psalm 37: 3, NKJV)
Over the years, I have had discussions with family members and spiritual members about waiting on God. In all these discussions, there is one question that has not been answered: What do I do while waiting on God? When waiting on the answer to a prayer, what am I supposed to do? I found an answer in the verse above, Psalm 37:3.
Trust in God
Trusting in God means pinning all hopes solely on God. It means realizing that there is only one being we can rely on, Go. He can use anybody to help us but HE is the only source to get what we want. It means relying on Him for answers, checking in with him before we make decisions and wanting to know Him more. It means when people suggest ways to get out of our situation that is contrary to God’s will, we decline. Even when it seems like those shortcuts or suggestions we relive us, if they are outside God’s will, we turn it down. Any activity that involves lying, cheating, stealing or any other sin, is not worth it.
Trusting God means that when He asks us to do something, we do it. Even when it doesn’t make sense to others, we do it. Just like Abraha moved when God asked him to, we need to do what God has asked us to do. If he has laid it on your heart to start a business, drop a friend, drop a job, move to a city, start a project, etc. just do it. Work hard to develop your relationship with God, so that you always know when He is speaking to you.
Do Good
Helping others is something to do while we are waiting on God. We often underestimate what we gain, when we do good. Whoever we help gains something, but we receive from it too. For starters, God’s blessings we receive are meant not only for our comfort, but to help with our divine purpose and to help others. In other words, we are blessed so that we can bless. Our sole purpose on earth is not to amass blessings so we can be comfortable.
Besides that, helping others takes our mind off our problems. Sometimes, we worry ourselves into sickness because we keep thinking of what has gone wrong and everything we have not received. There is none of us who can worry and change anything, so focus on helping others. Sometimes, in helping others, you can find the solutions or connections or inspiration needed to resolve your situation. Also remember this, no matter how bad you’ve thought you got it, I guarantee you that in the same city and zip code, there is someone who’s got it worse. Keep that in mind.
While waiting on God
While we wait on God, we should do the above and also revel in his faithfulness. He is an awesome God who ALWAYS does what he says. God has promised that He will never fail us. He has promised that the prayers of the righteous will always be answered. So, while waiting on God, do the above, be patient and enjoy his faithfulness. After all, His faithfulness and grace is why we are still alive and have come thus far.
Ponder On This:
- Have you read of any character in the Bible who waited on God and did not receive a blessing from God?
- Lord, grant me the strength to wait on your miracle and the answers to my prayers
- Father, strengthen my faith in you
See Part 1 of the study here
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