Book Review: Mom vs Dad by Lucy and Tom Riles

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We have all engaged in or heard arguments with no resolution. There is often no resolution because each side is only concerned with getting their point across. It would be great to hear the point of view of each side, without the heated emotions, so that each side can be understood. Cue, a wonderful book I came across. This is a book review for ‘Mom vs Dad’ by Lucy and Tom Riles.

Book Review: Mom vs Dad by Lucy and Tom Riles

I believe the purpose of the book is to give an insightful and sometimes hilarious view into everyday arguments that occur in most of our homes. One cool thing about this book is that it is divided into ‘rounds’ instead of chapters. This is appropriate, because each chapter is structured like a conversation between the authors on various topics. Some of the topics addressed include:

  • Rinsing dishes before loading them,
  • Vacationing without kids, and the always controversial
  • Who should control the thermostat?

My favorite section has to be the chapter on correcting your partner’s grammar. It is a real debate in my house and reading the argument from another couple’s perspective helped a great deal. I am still firm on which side I land on the argument, but I now understand the counter viewpoint.

Recommend or Not

The authors do a marvelous job of making the arguments entertaining and hilarious. The format might be a bit disconcerting at first, but it really reads like a transcript of an argument, with a summary at the end and a section asking the reader to pick a side. Mom vs Dad by Lucy and Tom riles is a wonderful read, one I would recommend for couples, and also children who are interested in knowing what moms and dads fight about. 

You can get a copy of the book HERE, and see my video review HERE.

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