Divine Peace: The Silence After the Storm

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Have you ever woken up in the morning, and everything is so quiet and so peaceful, it makes you wonder whether you forgot something? I have been there. After years and years, more than a decade of being in the middle of storms that life has thrown my way, I was in a place where I needed divine peace. I woke up one Sunday morning, feeling peaceful.

My spirit was at peace, my mind was not waging war and circling round and round – I felt light and unburdened. It was the most wonderful feeling and yet very unnerving. It felt like being locked in a room that is filled with noise for 10+ years and then waking up one morning and everywhere is silent. The feeling was like carrying a very heavy burden for so long and one day, it is suddenly gone.

It made me wonder – as children of God after we have prayed and hoped and believed for a particular prayer point, what happens when it hasn’t come to pass or when it is almost there? How do we react and conduct ourselves when our spirit is in a different place from our minds?

Spirit over Mind

When we worry and agonize over things, that is our mind at work; a stormy mind does not take into account a peaceful spirit. There is a reason why we are admonished in Romans 12:2 to continuously renew the mind so that it does not conform to the pattern of the world.

However, when we exercise faith, that is our spirit, in conjunction with the holy spirit, at work. More often than not, our mind is in charge instead of our spirit. This is why we toss and turn and are anxious, instead of believing that God has it under control. It is human nature to worry, but as children of God, we need to fight this.

See Proverbs 4:23 (GNT): “Be careful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts”.

However, as children of God, our spirits are directly linked to the Holy Spirit, this is why he bears witness with our spirit – not our thoughts (Romans 8:16). 

Let your Spirit be louder than your mind

Divine peace comes when our spirit is louder than our minds. There must come a time in the life of every believer when our spirit is more dominant than our mind. The first time that happens, what are we supposed to do?

In my case, I took a minute to recognize what the feeling was and I entered praise mode. In reality, nothing had changed much – YET. However, for the first time in a long time, my spirit was louder than my mind. Instead of struggling to be at peace, I simply was at peace. What a beautiful feeling.

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6 Replies to “Divine Peace: The Silence After the Storm”

  1. When things are going well I get nervous. I start to worry something bad is going to happen. I should just try to enjoy the moment. Thanks for your words

  2. I remember when I first made the switch from believer to “feeler”. It was like a light had turned on and all of a sudden, I just got it. It’s a wonderful feeling to have the Holy Spirit leading us instead of our own heads, anxieties, preconceptions and the like!

  3. Love this post. Our soul (mind, will, emotions) is to be in submission to our spirit (the part of us that connects to the Father). But you are right, sometimes we’ve got to quiet our mind to be able to listen to what our soul is saying. Such great truth here!

  4. Wow,. Absolutely brilliant, so blessed by this thank pastor chizzy,
    This is powerful

    1. My favorite reader ?. Thanks!

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