Directions – Straight from the ONLY Source

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Happy New Year and welcome to 2019. I pray that it will be a year of wonders and celebrations for us.

I have been inspired lately, to assess my life and the voices I allow to influence me. It led me to a story about a Prophet who put man’s voice over God’s.  It has also led me to this post. Please, bear with me – I want to start this short write up with a simple play:

Scene 1:

A house on the corner of the street is under construction. The sound of workers nailing and hammering wood come in from behind the building while the architect in charge of the project is surveying the unfinished deck in front of the house. After a minute or two, the owner of the house walks up to the architect.

Owner: Good morning! How is everything going today?

Architect: All is well. It is all going according to plan and schedule

Owner: Good thing I found you near the deck, I had a question. Do you mind?

Architect: No, not at all. What is it?

Owner: I was looking over the notes from the last discussion we had and I believe that the plan is to lay the planks lengthwise. Well, I actually think the planks should be laid width wise.

Architect: There is a good reason why. I have it in my notes.

They both consult the architect’s notes

Owner: Even so, it doesn’t completely make sense to me right now – so, let’s just go with width wise.

Architect: This is really a bad idea

Owner: I am the owner of the house and I insist on doing that way. If you will not concede to my wished then I will fire you from this project, you can go and boss someone else around. Do you understand?

Before the architect can respond, the owner walks off in a huff.

Scene fades


Scene 2

The owner is standing in the driveway of a house bringing gout groceries from the car.

Owner: I cannot believe that architect.  I know he is the architect and has a lot of experience, but you think he would know that his plans are open to interpretation. After all, they are just mere suggestions. Seriously!

Suddenly a pastor walks up

Pastor: Good evening, how are you?

Owner: Ah! Pastor, good evening, sir! What brings you my way?

Pastor: Ever since you told me about your new building, I have been praying for you and the project. Earlier today, I drove past it and saw your architect. We talked for a while and prayed, and I have a message from him to you. He says I should tell you that the planks for the deck, should be laid lengthwise.

Owner: I see, thank you so much for letting me know.

Pastor: Ok, I will be on my way. See you on Sunday

As the pastor leaves, Owner calls Architect

Owner: Good evening sir. About that matter, we discussed earlier today. I agree it should be lengthwise. Go ahead and continue that way. Thank you.


Choosing Man’s voice, over God’s

The owner’s reaction from the second scene does not make sense at all, does it? One minute he/she is fuming at the architect’s suggestion and the next minute, after a few words from the pastor, he/she has a change of heart. As unreasonable as it sounds, we do it all the time – when it comes to our relationship with God.

When God instructs us directly, especially through his words, the Bible, we manage to find ways to argue, interpret it to suit our desires or ignore it altogether. Sometimes, we do not even bother to read his words. However, the minute a man or woman of God prophesies, we believe right away and hold on to those words for dear life. 

No One can Replace God’s Voice

Just like with the prophets and judges of old, I believe that God uses anointed men and women of God for us. However, that does not mean that their voices replace God. We must not forget that they are still human beings.


We should NEVER allow ourselves get to a place where the words spoken through man are more reliable and important to us than what we hear directly from God. Most of the time, what we hear from our pastors are already revealed in God’s words. It is a matter of reading it, praying to the Holy Spirit and asking for guidance while reading. 


There is a reason the bible is referred to as the ‘Undiluted word of God’. It is not passing through a human mind, understanding, thoughts, accent or experiences. It just is.


As much as we rely on our pastors, teachers, and prophets, I am really urging us not to allow them to be a substitute for direct instructions from God.


Read the Bible and rely on the Holy Spirit to show you awesome and wonderful revelations through it.


Remain Blessed!

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