Quit Holding On and Let Them Go

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When people can walk away from you, let them walk. Because your destiny is not tied to the one who left. Their part in your story is over, so let them go. The one who is meant to be there, will not be able to leave. However, if they are not there, do not talk them into coming back.

There is no telling what making them stay will do. You could end up delaying the next chapter of your life or completely re-routing something new, because you begged or fought so hard for someone to stay, when they should have been gone.

In the same way that you do not meet someone by accident, it is often not an accident when someone leaves. Nothing just happens. We may not know at the time, and sometimes we may never know why things happen, but nothing just happens. There is a reason for everything. So, when someone walks away from you, there is a reason for that. If it is tough to let them go, pray for the strength to do so.

Believe me, if they are meant to be with you or be in your life in any capacity, they will surely come back. If they are meant to be in your life, their walking away might be temporary – time for them to grow in some way or experience something they need to. Since there is no way to tell why they are walking away, focus on you and let them go.

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