Dealing with Haters – Elisha’s Way

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Elisha’s way of dealing with negative voices is timelessly effective. We live in a world where anyone and everyone has an opinion on everything about life. There are a lot of people around us, who never have anything positive to say. Some do it maliciously and some people just have negative mindsets that bleed into their words. Being encouraged and having faith in God requires staying positive. Staying positive requires tuning in and prevailing over negative voices. In order to do that, we need to deal with haters – Elisha’s way.

Elisha’s journey with Naysayers

2 Kings 2: 1 – 15 shows us an awesome way to deal with naysayers. As we know, the requirement for Elisha to get a double portion of Elijah’s anointing was for him to be present when God took Elijah. Well, at the start of 2 Kings 2, Elisha and the rest of the prophets knew that God was about to take Elijah. Well, on two separate occasions, groups of prophets came to Elisha, trying to dampen his spirit and discourage him, and each time he told them to hold their peace. When Elijah and Elisha crossed the river Jordan, fifty people stood on the other side just to watch what would happen.

Your haters & those who discourage you will always watch to see if you will rise or fall, so NEVER give up! #motivation #inspiration Click To Tweet

Staying rooted in God

It takes strength and a sense of security in God, to be faced with negative voices, and to not be shaken. I love that Elisha always told they negative voices to hold their peace. I am certain that we have all come across someone who never has anything positive to say about your situation. No matter what you tell them, they always have a matching story that proves that the issue always ends negatively. There is never a word of encouragement from them, in the midst of your situation. We need to get to a place where our faith & assurance in God cannot be shaken by haters and naysayers. The truth is this: the very same people who will try to discourage you, will always turn around to gain from you when you have done well.

It is VERY important to nourish your spirit and mind with God's words: #motivation #inspiration Click To Tweet

Result of Resolve

When Elisha crossed the Jordan and was blessed with Elisha’s anointing, he had to come back to the river Jordan and he was able to part the river with Elijah’s cloak (vs 14). The very same men who tried to discourage and finally stood just to watch how things will unfold were forced to say:

The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him. (vs. 15)

Everyone who has something negative to say about you and who will always try to discourage you will ALWAYS watch to see what happens to you. If you fall, they will crow in victory and assure those who will listen that they knew you would fail. When you succeed, those voices are silent – although some will shamelessly come and celebrate with you. The most important thing is to keep your resolve. What if Elisha had gotten discouraged and missed his time with Elijah? Those same prophets who spoke to him and stood and watched may have mocked him. We will never know.

Prevail over negativity

It is very necessary to nourish your mind and spirit with God’s words. Just remember to always:

  • Surround yourself with those who will uplift you. Even if they do not have words of encouragement, they will pray with you.
  • Avoid naysayers and negative voices. When you discover that someone NEVER has anything uplifting or positive to say, cut them off.
  • Learn to have a prevailing voice: It is not enough to drown out the negative voices, you need to fill up on encouragement and positivity, which leads me to my last point
  • Study God’s words: Nothing encourages you than reading God’s words and seeing for yourself what God’s will is. Nothing encourages me than reading the bible because it is a constant reminder that God never abandons his own and NEVER EVER fails. Learn to make God’s voice the most important.

In addition to reading the bible, listen to sermons & teachings from true men and women of God. Keep the haters away and let God fill your mind with strength, boldness and the perseverance. Do not let anyone use negative words to steal your breakthrough and glory.

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3 Replies to “Dealing with Haters – Elisha’s Way”

  1. I like the lesson found in this story. I had not quite looked at it that way before. It is amazing how these Sunday School stories have such deep meaning when we are grown. God’s word is AMAZING!

  2. Never giving up & staying rooted are very wise points of advice!

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