Wherever you are, are you recognizable?

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As children of God we are blessed with a God who is transparent and consistent. What he hates, he hates and what he loves, he loves. We call him the ‘Unchanging God’ for a very good reason. What he did for our ancestors in the past is what he can and will do for us. Also, who he was from the time the world began, is who he is today. He is a God who was, who is and will always be faithful, kind, holy and pure. As his children, it is important to us that we model ourselves after him. But too often, who we are on Sunday, bears no resemblance to the person we show the world from Monday to Saturday. Isn’t that odd? Wherever you are, are you recognizable?

Different Environment, Different Person

 I once worked a Sunday shift with a colleague, who just like me, had attended church that morning. My impression of her was someone who was a Christian, gentle mannered, and reasonable. The person I met a few minutes later when a troublesome client walked in, came as a complete shock to me. She flew off the handle and started yelling at the customer. They got into a war of words and when I stepped in to diffuse the situation, I took her aside and told her: “Breathe, ma and think. In this situation, what would Jesus do?”.

Her loud response to me and the customer: “Please, forget church and the bible for now. Set it aside. This is the workplace and they are two different things.” She went back to quarreling with the customer. Unfortunately, she was fired from the company, after a 15 year service. Unknown to her, the owner of the company was opening a new branch office close to her home and was considering promoting her to the office manager of the new location.

Always Reflect God

Have you ever been in a similar situation, where our response to something that happens at work or at home is so unlike the God fearing individual we see in church? You know, those moments when we say things like:

“Put church aside for now”,

“You are lucky I’m a Christian”,

“Please, that is church, this one is work or business”,

“I will put this bible down and deal with you”, or similar sayings.

We are not perfect and we all need to work on it. As we serve a God who is consistent in behavior and values, we his children should live by his example. Let’s always think of two things:

  • When you are in the middle of a situation at work or at home and pastor suddenly walks in, will he be able to look at your behavior in that moment, and proudly say, this is a member of my church?
  • After that situation boils over, and you decide to invite someone at work to a program at church, based on your behavior will they be encouraged to come or not?
You should be recognizable

Who we are in church, should mirror who we are everywhere else. We are commanded in Matthew 5: 16

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.

We are the embodiment of God’s grace and mercy, and if our character and behavior outside the four corners of the church sanctuary does not evangelize God and glorify his name, we are committing a sin against God and we are doing a disservice to ourselves. May God strengthen and encourage us in Jesus name.

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