He sees me…

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The lessons I have learned, and my feelings about Hagar’s story, just like Leah’s, has changed as I have grown in Christ. When I was younger, I viewed her as a young woman who was aptly punished for being sassy with her employer. Recently, my bible studies brought me back to her story and I noticed I saw it differently. Part of it might be the fact that I can relate to the emotions that led to her revelations about God – “He sees me”.

Where she was

In retrospect, Hagar was a young woman thrown into a situation that was not of her own creation. She was the house help working for the lady of the house, Sarah. In a society where she had to be subservient to her mistress/employer, she was asked to sleep with her mistresses’ husband, in order to bear him a child. Blessedly, she was able to get pregnant, with the first biological child of the master of the house. You have to admit, that is a heady situation for a young woman to find herself in. One day, she was a servant in the house, and the next day she was not only pregnant with his first child, it was a son.

She did what most young women would do in that situation – she got full of herself and had an attitude. This prompted her mistress to mistreat her so badly, that Hagar fled. This was when she encountered him “The One (he) who sees me”Genesis 16: 13.

God sees me. He not only sees me, he hears me, he answers me, he loves me. https://www.chizobamorah.com/he-sees me. #wordsthatinspire #Biblequotes Click To Tweet

El – Roee

When she encountered God, Hagar was at a point in her life, when it felt as if no one cared for her. The family she was in the care of had technically abandoned her and there was no one to come to her aid. She was pregnant and all alone and could have died in the desert by herself. And then he found her – El-Roee.

Like most people, I have found myself in the same emotional state Hagar must have been in; tired, hurt, exhausted and feeling like there is no help and no one sees or cares. Looking back at that period, I see it now. God has always been with me. God has always seen me and he always will.

He has never been far from me. As Hagar fled, God sent help in the form of an angel ahead of her. Looking back at every point of my life when I have been in trouble and felt desolate, I realize God has always sent help to meet me there.

He sees me…

It feels so wonderful to come to that realization; God sees me. He not only sees me, but he also hears me, he answers me, he loves me. It feels great to know that no matter what I go through, God sees me. It is also amazing to note that this revelation and realization came to me, through Hagar’s story. Did she make mistakes? Yes. However, her story has a lot to teach us, especially about El- Roee; The One who sees me.

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3 Replies to “He sees me…”

  1. Beautiful perspective! That we may also be able to see Him like Job said, I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you!

  2. Chizoba, I’ve been writing on the Names of God for my Sunday Quietude posts – I have learned so much. This is a beautiful post. I’m visiting from God-Sized Dreams.

  3. I found your story of Hagar’s story so uplifting because even in our deepest troubles He sees us (me!) Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup this past week.

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