In Your Weakness there is Perfection

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I come from a long line of strong women; women who encountered tough situations and were not cowed but rose to the occasion. ‘Weakness’ is not a word I heard growing up, and ‘being weak’ was not a state that is allowed. ‘I can’t’ is forbidden and ‘giving up’ will almost make you a family outcast. However, I am human, and I have had my moments. In fact, I have said it to myself a lot of times: “I cannot do this and that, because I am not perfect”, I can’t go here, because I am not this way or I am lacking that or I am not like this person.

I am pretty sure you have said it too. Feel free to fill in the blank “I can’t because ….”

We always focus on our weaknesses: traits and attributes we think that is not up to par. I cannot even count the number of opportunities I have lost because I focused on what I did or did not have – compared to others.



In retrospect, every time I have felt lacking (my weak moments), it is always when I am comparing myself to someone else. In those moments, I do not remember assessing myself, based on just me or on what God says about me. It has always been a one-sided comparison with someone else. who probably did not know I exist. This is a trap we fall into, consistently. I challenge you to think of those moments when you have felt unable to continue on a given path or felt not good enough. You will find that more often than not, you have compared yourself to someone else.

For every weak moment,  I have beat myself up for feeling weak and less than perfect. Then, I came across it: 2 Corinthians 12:9.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.(NKJV)

In my imperfection, God can showcase his perfection. In my weakness, God can showcase his strength. If I have it together, where is the testimony? Click To Tweet


It feels amazing to know that I don’t have to be perfect and strong all the time. If I am perfect, how can God move and show his power? In my imperfection, God can showcase his perfection. In my weakness, God can showcase his strength. If I have it together, where is the testimony? If I am perfect, how can God do the miraculous work, that will lead me to testify to others of his glory?

It is tough, in the midst of a moment, to remember that it is ok to not be perfect. This is what makes it important, to remind yourself often, that you are God’s work of art. It is also important to read up and remember what God says about you.

Do not beat yourself up for not measuring up to the world and to others. The only standard to measure up to is God’s. He is your creator and he says in your weakness, he can showcase perfection. So, do not forget to ‘… boast in your weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon you.’

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4 Replies to “In Your Weakness there is Perfection”

  1. Sometimes, I feel so weak, but I know that’s when is strong.

  2. I loved your tweetable statement so much that I clicked to tweet and followed you on Twitter!
    Showcasing God’s strength is something that the world around us needs to see. It’s not about us anyway. It’s all about Him.

  3. Yes, most often I feel weak when I am comparing myself to others. Great observation. And yes, where is our testimony if we have it all together and tied up in a perfect bow? Thanks for these reminders.

  4. Such a great reminder that we are never called to be perfect, or even strong. We’re called to lean on Jesus and His strength. Such a good thought to ponder today! Thanks!

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