Can you handle the truth?

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“Can you handle the truth?” is a question that we need to pose to ourselves on a regular basis. One of the wonderful things about being a child of God is the privilege to be corrected. Only children who are truly loved by their parents are corrected (Hebrews 12:6, Proverbs 3:12). Accepting discipline is not always easy because it convicts and it hurts. The truth is not always easy to handle.

God’s word serves as an internal monitor and mirror. It shows us the stark difference between who we are and who we should be. We often think that we are one thing or that the way we are living is accurate. But, there are times when a sermon, an admonishment from someone or bible verse(s) shows us that we have strayed and an adjustment needs to be made. I often wonder to myself: Does the Holy Spirit often ask us “Can you handle the truth?”

Our Response to the truth

The truth hurts – that is not a fact that is ever in dispute. Even when we think we are glad for correction, it does not lessen the hurt or twinge that often accompanies the truth. So, the question then becomes what we do with that hurt. How we deal with that hurt is an indicator of how we handle the truth. Typical responses to the truth:



I have not only done this, I have witnessed others do it. When an error or mistake is pointed out, the gut reaction is to go into denial mode. We dismiss the source of our correction as being wrong or deny that we have done anything wrong. In denial mode, we take offense and get into a defensive stance. All of a sudden, a session meant to correct becomes a confrontation and a  fight. We avoid the topic and sometimes pick fault or a fight with the messenger.


If we ever get to a place where we accept the truth, we rationalize our wrong behavior. Sometimes, we lay blame on our circumstances, other people, the world in general and even God himself. Even to ourselves we find and settle on reasons why our behavior is correct.

The Right Attitude to Truth

Acceptance! It is rough and not easy, but it is necessary to work through the hurt and make corrections needed. I remember a time at church when the HOD of the ushering department called me and reprimanded me on how I handled a situation. I remember her words feeling very uncomfortable and I heard myself being defensive and resistant. Even as I spoke, the words felt like hot water coursing up my throat and out my mouth. It was unlike me to be so argumentative and verbal with my elders, and I could tell from the look on her face, that my response surprised her. After we spoke, I took a few minutes to reflect on what happened, and I did not need a prophet to tell me that I was wrong.

It hurt to be reprimanded and I realized that what got in my way was pride. Sometimes, we resist the truth because our egos and our pride will take a hit. It takes humility to accept that you can be wrong and can err. To truly become new creations we need to learn to abandon pride and other habits that stand in our way.

Why we must learn to handle the truth

The personification of life and truth is Jesus. To know Jesus is to know the truth, If you want to know the truth, you have to be able to accept it and handle it. A proper response and acceptance of correction, especially from God, help us grow, stronger and better. I can tell you today, that the error my HOD called me out on, has not been repeated again. I even teach others not to make the same mistake. Not everyone around you can handle the truth. Let them be, and you work on you.

May God help us as we work to let go of our egos, pride and other habits and behaviors that stand in the way of true growth, and truly knowing him.

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3 Replies to “Can you handle the truth?”

  1. Thanks for the thoughtfully written article. I often pray for God to show me the truth so I can grow in my spiritual life. He is faithful to do it, yet it can be difficult at times to face the growth that needs to happen in my life.

  2. Thanks Chizoba for this great post; so profound! As you have said, truly, PRIDE is one of the major resistance to acceptance of the truth. We must all “watch out” for this….so subtle. The fact is, we all have an element of PRIDE in us. However, God’s grace is sufficient!!

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