You are God’s Masterpiece – Show Appreciation!

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You are beautiful, you are God’s masterpiece!

If you have looked at my personal Facebook page or know me, you know that I love to crochet. In one of my crochet Facebook groups, we were having a discussion about how underappreciated our efforts tend to be. Sometimes when we make things for our families, it is almost like they take great glee in not using at all, and tossing it all over the place. During the discussion I said:

Nothing hurts like finishing your work and seeing it not used and tossed around all over the place, as if it is useless.

As I said it, it occurred to me – God must feel the same way, about us, sometimes.

A good portion of the time, we are not operating in the purpose for which he has created us – as if we are useless. Sometimes, we are being tossed up and down by the storms of life, as if we have no anchor. God has gone through a lot, including sacrificing his only begotten son for us, and yet, through our actions and words, we do not appreciate him and his work – us.

We need to appreciate God by treating ourselves better - we are his masterpiece. #wednesdaywisdom #encourage #wordsthatinspire Click To Tweet

Our Identity

We are not only his creation but also masters and choosers of the path we decide to follow. Serious reflection is required to get to a place where we appreciate him for ALL that he does and has done, instead of only focusing on what we think he hasn’t or won’t do. We need to appreciate who he has made us to be and his work in our life, by doing that which he has called us to and by treating ourselves better – carrying ourselves and thinking of ourselves in a manner befitting a creation of the Most High.

If you are unsure, go before him in prayers and his will and plan, will he reveal it to you. You are his masterpiece – show appreciation!


Remain Blessed,


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2 Replies to “You are God’s Masterpiece – Show Appreciation!”

  1. I agree with you, it hurts when people neglect our work, especially when it’s a work of love. God is so kind with us that He exercises great patience even when His gifts/His work are not appreciated. But the greatest of all His work it seems, is the human soul, and we must always remember it so we can accord each man the dignity he has that is from God.

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