Paying Double for What is Already Free

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As children of God, we seem to always be paying double for what is already free. I have heard stories of people who pay pastors to pray for them. I have also heard of those who believe that miracles only happen when they buy ‘holy water or mantles’.

Divine healing is free of charge. If the person who has been healed decides to voluntarily give the pastor a gift, that is a different issue. However, there should not be a monetary value placed on healing.


Why should a child of God pay a price that has already been paid? That is simply paying double for the same item. No one would go to a shop and pay twice for the same item. In the same way, no one should pay for healing, when the price has been paid. In the bible, we are told that Christ died for us to wash away our sins. He also got whipped on our behalf, and those stripes he got has made us whole:

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.(1st Peter 2: 24).

Since God has paid the price for our healing, why should we allow ourselves to be sweet-talked by anyone to pay, again, for healing? I understand that when something is wrong, out of desperation we believe whatever sounds like it will help us. However, as children of God, we should know better. On this particular issue, we should be very careful.


When we go to revivals, conferences, anointing services, etc, and there is someone asking you to pay whatever amount of money for his bottle of water or oil or handkerchief or cross or whatever, in order to get healing or spiritual deliverance or a resolution to your problems, please don’t. Regardless of how anointed, that person might be, telling you to pay for something that God has already paid the ultimate price for, is a tactic worthy of a snake oil salesman!

If you want to give the person a gift because you are led to do so, that is up to you. But you should not be paying double for what is already free.

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