Beautifully Flawed, yet loved and valued

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I came across a wonderful post from Jessica LeeAnn. This is in response to that. So, please, read hers first. I love her post. Sometimes, we pretend that there are no flaws and all is hunky dory. Unfortunately, a lot of us of the Christian faith, judge from a self righteous place. We forget that we are beautifully flawed. However, sometimes, at least for me, it is not pretense. Let me explain:

God tells us in Matthew 18:18 (AMP), that whatever I permit on earth is permitted in heaven and whatever I forbid on earth is forbidden in heaven. He also tells me to call forth what is not, as though it were (Romans 4:17. I also direct you to this page by Kenneth Copeland). It is so important that we say aloud where we are going and not where we are, because we can live or die by what we say (Proverbs 18:21).

Sometimes, when I laugh and smile, but inside is all busted, broken and confused, it is not because I am ‘pretending’ the pain is not there, I am working on getting to a place where my faith and hope in God is louder than my mind and problems. I also do not tell everyone of my flaws and so on, because man cannot help me. Human beings are just as distressed and flawed as I am, and we can be too judgy.

Beautifully Flawed

The only source of my correction and help is God. Only he can do it for me. However, internally, I do accept that I am flawed and I thank God everyday for his grace, because if he judged me the way human beings do, I would be condemned. The one thing, I do acknowledge is that my flaws are also a testimony. When I come across someone who can benefit from knowing that God loves me flaws and all, and that he has blessed me, flaws and all, I do share, but not always in a public forum, like my blog. God gives us wisdom and expects us to use it well.

The bottom line: The most important thing is that you are not pretending to yourself; you know you are flawed and that God loves you and that you are beautiful, flaws and all. If you come across someone who pretends to have no flaws, they are lying and either deceiving you or themselves. Use wisdom and watch how you associate with that person or digest the words they say. But also be careful someone who goes around oversharing EVERYTHING. I will end this segment here.

When it is all too much:

For those times when it sounds as if no one is listening and my prayers are not rising past my lips to God. I really scream. I go to church early, lay on the altar and I scream, cry, sob, whatever. Sometimes, my mind and pain is louder and stronger than I can handle, but I have learned from noted psalmist, king David.

If you read the psalms, he let it ALL go. He complained, he cried, he sobbed, he yelled, and at the end of it all, he remembered that God was the only source of help. So, I do the same.

I write out my pain, I sing it, I pray it, I cry it, I sob it, I yell and scream and roll – and when I am done, I make sure to ask God for strength to wait, until the appointed time for solutions to come, and to open my eyes when it does come, because sometimes in our pain, we miss the open doors.

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6 Replies to “Beautifully Flawed, yet loved and valued”

  1. I am so humbled that you took the time to respond is such a beautiful and wise way. Thank you and God bless!

  2. I love the raw picture of crying and screaming at the altar. God wants all of us…including our emotions poured out to Him. They’ll get poured out one way or another and He can handle them.

    1. Very true. I have gotten to a place in my relationship with God,where I tell him everything. I know he knows, but I tell him anyway. He is the one with the solution and the ultimate source of comfort. If I don’t tell him, who should I talk to?

      Remain blessed

  3. Sometimes I dwell on my flaws and the mistakes I’ve made and I am overwhelmed with guilt. I’m am so grateful that God loves me in spite of my imperfections.

    1. That is the awesome thing about God,isn’t it? He is the all know God. I love to believe that he knew my today, at the moment he said let there be light. He knew the decisions I would make and my missteps. He even knew my broken state and flaws. Despite all that, he hose to send his son to save me and to love and cherish me . The same hold true for all of us ?

  4. I dwell on my imperfections way too much. I am so thankful He uses broken vessels and that I don’t have to be perfect to be in His presence.

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